Friday, 19 November 2010

Belgian channel wants more women and immigrants

Again, ‘De Standaard’ publishes an article about minorities. Today, the article is even on the front page.
The goal of the VRT (a Belgian public broadcaster) is to have 40% women on the screen and 12% people with a different skin color. By imposing that first quota, they want to give the channel a more female character.
They don’t have the intention to bring those people on the screen just to reach their goal, but they want to picture Flanders as it really is.  
The VRT doesn’t know yet how it will achieve its purpose; it is still work in progress.

The article isn’t entirely about women, but it shows again that the issue is currently a hot topic. I wonder why they impose those quotas, and if what they do is really necessary. Maybe, they are exaggerating a bit.

Sarah Boone

Article and picture: 

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